After passing through the first three years, with the “supplies” that they receive from their parents and environment, children develop themselves further.
At this time — the second three years, conscious mind of a child began to formed. Mental filter that has been formed will keep growing strong as long as his life. Mind absorbs any information quickly, and then it begins to analyze. Every information that comes in — but doesn’t match with mind database, will be doubt based on the truth that we believe. At this time, mind of a child won’t refused any information data even it doesn’t match with what they have known before, his mind is just doubt it.
When a child was 8 years old, this mental filter was growing thick and belief that has been formed will be very strong. This mental filter will growing very very thick when he’s 13 years old.
At the next ages, belief modification will get a great resistance from subconscious mind. It will be very hard to change belief if we use ordinary ways, because the conscious mind has been able to make resistances and reject any efforts to change belief.
For convenience, remember the following three periods. First, at the age of 0-7 years old, called “planting time”. Parents and environment are major influence of belief patterns from subconscious mind of a child. The second period, at the age of 7-14 years old, is a modeling period. A child will adopts belief from someone that he admires or loves. Third Period, 14-21 years old, is a social period. A child learns and adopts belief from his friends, interact with other adults except his parents, television, Internet, newspaper, etc. At this period, a child will determine what belief that he will accepts or rejects by his own-self.
Belief Is Like A TableFor convenience to learn belief, imagine belief is like a table. Table can’t strongly stand up and can’t called as a table if there are no legs. If there are many table legs, that table will be strongly stand up, and of course it will be hard to be downed.
Actually, belief is only a concept that we truly believe. In order to believe something is true or right, we need supported data that we consider it’s “valid”, so we’ll agree and accept it as a truth.
Where are that supported data comes from?
Its source can be various. When we’re still a child, that data comes from — especially– our parents, or someone close to us, or maybe our nanny.
When we’re quite mature, that data comes from our environment, example: other family or teachers. When we’re more mature, source of that data can be unlimited. It can be from our own experiences, other person experiences, television, Internet, magazines, newspapers, seminars, books, public speakers, authorities, pastors, bible, and many more.
Shad Helmstetter in his book “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” explains that generally people at the ages of 0-18 years old, who live in a enough positive family, listen to negative words (like “no!”, “may not!”, “can not!”, “don’t!”, “you can’t!”, “don’t try”, “you would be failed”, etc) more than 148.000 times. If he’s lucky because of his parents are so positive, he’ll listen to negative words 100.000 times.
So, Can you imagine how powerful the effects of environment programming, especially home environment. This programming usually called enviromental hypnosis and its effect is very powerful because it’s done systematically and continuously.
However, if we look in detail, the process of establishing belief certainly in one, two, three, or all the way from fifth way below:
1. RepetitionAn information that repeated many times, sooner or later, will be received as the truth by our mind. This is the most widely used to feed our mind and belief. Now you know why advertisements in television or radio repeated many times?
The purpose of repetition is penetrate mental filter that installed in conscious mind, until information can enter subconscious mind.
This way usually explained in self-help books or motivation seminars that teach us to read affirmation over and over, in order to make that affirmation can enter subconscious mind.
2. Group or Family IdentificationThings trusted by our group or family will enter our-self and we’ll adopt it as our belief.
It’s also a technique frequently used in ads. They often use expressions like: “almost all families in the world using soap branded X” or “intelligent mother is a mother who gives formula milk branded Z to her baby.
The question is “are almost all families in the world using soap branded X?” Is it true if a mother can be called as intelligent mom if she gives milk branded Z to her baby?”
I think, an intelligent mother is a mother who won’t be affected by that ad and decided to give exclusive breastfeeding to her baby.
3. Statements Presented by Authority FiguresBe careful of authority figures like celebrity, doctor, public speaker, book authors, or everyone considered as authorities. Anything that they said easily tend to penetrate subconscious mind and accepted as truth or belief.
In the world of public speaking in my country (Indonesia), there’s a public speaker who confess as a directly students of Anthony Robbins (famous public speaker and author of best seller book “Awaken the Giant Within”) and John Grinder & Richard Bandler (founder of “Neuro Linguistic Programming” or “NLP”). Each of their ads in the mass media is always use tittle “Directly Student”.
Why those public speakers confess as “directly student”? Right, the aim is borrowing the credibility and authority of their “teachers”. Public that are less critical will be blinded by famous name of their teachers, and believing anything that those public speakers said.
We need to examine, are those public speaker really directly educate one on one, or just attending workshops and seminars that those masters organized, and also attended by hundreds and even thousands of other participants, in just one or two days?
I’ve read an ad in the mass media in Indonesia that there are two public speakers who have same claim that both of them are directly students of Anthony Robbins, and they’re put on their photo side by side with their “teachers”.
Even, when I was listening to the radio, I’ve ever found someone asking a hypnotherapist like this, “Sir, as a person who understand much about hypnosis and hypnotherapist, I want to ask you. I’ve watched in television where there’s other public speaker said that hypnosis can damage our brain. Is it true?
OMG, this is very misleading information. It’s wrong that hypnosis can damage brain. Logically, if it’s true that hypnosis can damage our brain, why hypnosis isn’t prohibited in U.S?
For people that aren’t critical, this information will be received as truth because a popular public speaker who explain it. So, be careful and vigilant.
4. The Intense EmotionWhen an incident experienced by the intense emotion, it will be easy to be formed as a belief.
One example of belief that comes from intense emotion is when a child looks sad and scared because he often watch his parents quarrel each other caused by money, then this child will believe that money is the source of problems in his family. So, this child develop his-self with belief that resist him in financial sector.
Do you remember when Pepsi using Michael Jackson playing emotion of his fans, then this emotion anchored by Pepsi?
Emotion opens the gate of subconscious mind. The more intense the emotions experienced by someone, the more open the gate of subconscious mind. Thus, the incident experienced by someone — which entrance to his mind in the form of unique information units — will be recorded very strong in memory, in subconscious mind, followed by strong emotion.
5. Alpha Condition (Hypnosis)It is a natural condition of children. Caused by they’re often operating their-self in alpha condition, children are very easily to be suggested. Anything entered into their subconscious mind — by suggestion — will be fully received and become a truth.
Have you ever asked the truth about Herbal Essence as a luscious shampoo? Personally, I doubt that its role models use that shampoo to make their hair like we often saw in TV commercial.
Belief consist of a set of memory divided into two parts: positive and negative. This grouping works to help us make decisions.
For example, we experience an accident. That accident always be tend positive or negative. What happen is mind — by using belief database — will decide and give a meaning for that accident.
Thus, we will be able quickly to understand an accident as something potentially positive or negative, safe or dangerous, good or bad, and can or can not be solved. By doing this, we actually predict or prognosticate a result. Our belief is applying like crystal ball that helps us to predict “future”.
So, formation of belief is a process that can’t be avoided and it works sustainable. Belief helps us to compare the situation between present and past. Belief helps us to predict result and helps us to make decision based on a number of information unit which grouped based on big themes in our life.