To recognize and understand more about value, there are eight important principles we should know and note:

1. Value is a filter that operates in subconscious that determine our focus and how we utilize times.
According to its definitions, value is what we believe as something valuable, precious, important, or significant in our life. Value lies in subconscious mind and determine our focus. Thing that we appraise valuable or precious will get priority attention from us, while things that we appraise less valuable or precious will get less attention and it's affects our time management.
For example, I feel that reading books and keep learning as valuable things for me. Learn and read are part of actualization process of myself.
Because that things are very important for me, I will spent my times to keep reading books and studying. If there's any choice between playing playstation and reading books, what do I choose? Of course I will choose reading books. For me, playing playstation is just wasting time and useless.
But, not necessarily the same as other people. There are people who don't like to read books. They prefer to play playstation. For them, playing playstation is more important, more entertaining than reading books which just makes eyes sleepy.
Who is the most correct in this case? No one is right or wrong. Remember, value is other form of belief. Each one has different personal belief and always feels right through their own belief.
2. We're use value to evaluate action.
Value stands as mental balance. Every action always be evaluated by value. There's value which encourages us to do something. Then, action we've done will be valuated by other values.
Value is also often called as conscience by people.
For concrete example. You feel togetherness or family time is important. On the other side, you feel that giving prosperous living to your family is also important too. Then one day, you have to do business presentation in out town. If your proposal accepted, you will achieve very much money. Evidently, it's the same day with your child's birthday and you've promised to attend on his birthday party. Your child crave your presence.
What will you do? Whatever your choice, it will conduce a conflict inside yourself. If you decide to do business presentation in out town, how's your feeling to your child and family? Surely, there's a guilt, isn't it? Especially when you're call him and give happy birthday greeting, your child's crying sad because you're not attend beside him to celebrate the important moment in his life.
On the contrary, if you decide to attend on your child birthday party, you won't do business presentation and you miss a big opportunity to produce much money, how's your feeling? Surely, there's deep regret because you're miss it. Besides, the obtained money will also be used for the welfare of your family.
Essentially, if you feel there's a conflict inside yourself, that's the sign of value's conflict.
3. Value is source of motivation.
Motivation is feeling of enthusiasm, interest, encouragement, or commitment to make someone wants to do something. What can make us motivated to do something? Anything that we feel as very important, valuable, valuable, or significant, will be the source of intrinsic motivation that never off.
4. Value arranged in a hierarchy.
Have you ever face a difficult condition when you have to make a choice of two things that you feel both of them are equal importance?
After considering and thinking, finally you make a decision. What do you think and how do you consider which one is the more important so that you decide to choose one of two choices?
When you're confused to decide a choice, you experienced value's conflict. What caused this value's conflict? Because your value of those two choices are equal importance.
But, at the other time, have you ever faced with two choices, but you can make a decision very quickly?
I'm sure you have. Why you can decide quickly? Because your value of those two choices occupy hierarchy that has different level.
For concrete example. Your parents got dangerous disease. You have fairy pill that can heal their disease. The problem is you're only have one fairy pill. To whom you will give this fairy pill? Your dad or mom? Can you feel how difficult it is to make decisions in a situation like this?
Why it's difficult? Because for most people, mom and dad are equal importance.
The situation would be different if evidently your dad (or mom) and your friend who are got that disease. To whom you will give the fairy pill? Of course you'll give to your dad or mom. Why it's not your friend? Because inside your hierarchy value, parents occupy higher level than your friend. In other words, parents more valuable or more precious than your friend.
5. Value can cause a self-conflict
Self-conflict -- like what I describe above -- occur because we're not clearly specify hierarchy of value.
This self-conflict will be main obstacle in achieving success of a life goal.
Many people underestimate this self-conflict. I'll explain about self-conflict separately.
6. Value can be changed
Along with the development of intellectual, mental, emotional, and spiritual, we're also experiencing growth and development of value. Something in the past which we felt important, can be not important anymore now. Also on the contrary, something in the past which we felt not important, evidently become so important now.
7. Belief follow value that we hold.
Each value is always supported by a group of belief that are in accordance with value. A few times ago, I had a dinner with my friend that a vegetarian a.k.a ciak jhai. When I was be asked, "Farlo, can you eat vegetarian foods?" "Of course I can. I'm a chiak jing jhai too" I answered. "What is chiak jing hai?" He asked me with confused face. "Ah, it's jing jhai-jing jhai chiak a.k.a omnivora a.k.a can eat anything" I answered with smile.
I know, there's should be a reason that cause my friend decide to become a vegetarian. There's should be certain value that become his motivation source. Then I look for his value.
Evidently, his value is in accordance with his dogma. In other words, the reason why he decide to become a vegetarian is avoid the occurrence of living beings murder.
What belief which underlie that value? His belief is each living beings has its own life and they have right to live. No one may take the life of living beings, whatever the reason is. The one who may take the life of living beings is the one who give them this life, he's God. God is kind and never teach us to killing other living beings. And many other beliefs which supported that value.
8. Every area of life has its own value.
We have very much value. At every aspect of life, there's a value which used as a guidance. Those aspect of life consist of spiritual, financial, wealth, social, recreation, carrier/business, self-development, and relationship.