If described as iceberg, behavior is the top of the iceberg that visible by our eyes. What we say, do, how we speak, behave, interact, our reactions or responses to face a problem when interacting with the world outside ourselves is called behavior. It's appear outside. What doesn't appear is "cause" behind our behavior.

That is why in this post I deliberately didn't describe much about
Behavior is just result. Result appear because there's a cause. To change
behavior, we must seek and find the "motor drive" of
behavior. In other words, we must find "cause" or "
root cause".
If we succeeded to overcome the root problem, our behavior automatically changes. Behavior is like smoke out of the husk. To be able to stop the discharge of smoke, we must delve into the husk and find the source of fire. When we successfully turn off the fire, surely there will be no more smoke out.