Critical Period at The First Three Years
Most of parents busy with their job only and entrust education of their children to baby sitter, other family members, or even Television.
During the early life of a child — especially the first three years, conscious mind of a child hasn’t been evolved. At this period, a child only operated pure by subconscious mind Because conscious mind — which functions as a mental filter — is not yet active. Any experience and all impressions that he received from his fifth sense will be permeated 100% percent, whether it is good or bad.
Imprint refers to a very strong process of planting the idea or concept to subconscious mind, so it influences our pattern of behavior, our thought, and our feeling.
To be able to go to subconscious mind, to create the occurrence of imprint, that ideas or concepts should be repeated, or just only once, when someone is experiencing the intense emotion of a condition.
Any experience that a child received at this time will enter his memory, and then it will be used to develop himself in the second three years — when he’s four until six years old.
What happens if the incoming data is data that doesn’t support their development-self?
We’ll see. In the vocabulary of computer, there’s a term named GIGO, which is stands for Garbage In Garbage Out. In other words, if the incoming data is bad, so the output is certainly bad too. Otherwise, if the incoming data is good, most likely the output is also good.
Remember! Whatever we said to a child — either verbal or non verbal (body language)– will be permeated 100% by that child. So, you can imagine what happens if a child raised in a family who usually use the negative-sentences to motivate their children, such as: “You foolish child. You are always filthy,” “You never can do it well.”