The Barrier Stone on The Street

Afterward, a farmer passed by with his heavy carts loading lots of stuff. Suddenly, he saw the barrier stone, then he grumbled, "What lazy people we have here..., a big dangerous and barrier stone is not moved out of the street". While grumbling, he avoided that particular stone and kept on moving.
After that, a soldier passed by while singing a victorious song remembering his bravery on the battlefield. Because of his excitement, he wasn't walking carefully so that he tripped over the barrier stone. "Darn...! Why people who pass this street wasn't move the stone!" This soldier kept on swearing while swinging his sword around. But he didn't do anything though he was grumbling and complaining. Contrarily, he just walked away.
Not so long later, a young poor man passed by the street. When seeing the barrier stone, he said to himself, "The sky is getting dark, if people not careful enough to pass this street, they'll surely trip over this stone." Although he was tired because of working hard entire day, this young man was still willing to move the barrier stone away from the middle of the street.
After the barrier stone successfully moved out, this young man was so surprised to see a letter and a box under the stone he had just moved. The letter said, "To my people who are willing to move this barrier stone. You have shown your diligence and care towards others, please take the 5 gold coins in the box as the gift from your king."
Immediately, this young poor man bowed down his head to thank his king for his generosity. The story spread out into the whole country. The king had been successful in teaching the importance meaning of diligence and care towards others.
Dear readers, Whether it is in business, career or our professional job, we surely have faced "the barrier stone" as told above. It can mean difficulties, obstacles, responsibilities, or burdens. If we face all the above-mentioned problems angrily, impatiently, or blame others as problem makers, we can't learn much from life. In fact, in all obstacles, there's a hidden wisdom and lesson to develop ourselves. Of course, we need such a mentality that the young poor man had to reach success; kept on trying when facing obstacles, having care towards others' need, toughness to hold burden, dare to bear a big responsibility. If we have these kind of mentality, a big opportunity is lurking around every barrier stone that obstruct our progress.