Value's Types
1. Mean Value
Many people will mention money, love, success relationship and carrier as value. But, those things don't contain emotion state. Those things are just tools to experience some certain emotion state. Tools that we use to be able to produce certain emotion state are called mean value.
Many people were working and keep working to collect money as much as they can, but they never can be happy. Why? Because what they're looking for was just mean value. They didn't realize that what they want was end value, a certain emotion state which they want to experience or avoid. This ignorance makes many people get empty and not meaningful life.
2. End Value
End value is emotion that we want to experience or avoid. When someone said that having money is the important value, that's true. But, what is the final reason by having money? Are we just want to have stacks of paper which there's a picture of died person. Of course not.
If we ask more deeply, "What's the importance of having money (or other value)?", they'll answer: "safety", "freedom", or "dominance". This is what I called end value.
Same with relationship. Actually, we don't really want relationship. Relationship is just a tool to get related feeling, love feeling, or not lonely feeling - all of this is called end value.
3. Moving Toward Value
Moving toward value (MTV) is emotion state or situation which we want to experience. MTV appears in the following statement:
- I like adventure.
- I want excitement and happiness in my relationship.
- I enjoyed working with people and learning new things in my carrier.
Moving away value (MAV) is value which we didn't want to experience in our life. This is emotion state or condition that we will avoid by any way. MAV appears in the following statement:
- I hate a fussy boss.
- I don't want to be poor.
- I won't act like my mom.
How do we know and distinguish between end value and mean value? Very easy. Use the following questions:
- What's the most important for you about ......(e.g: car, house, job, family)?
- important for you?

So, to find end value, we ask:
Ask: What's the importance of Rolex watch for you?
Answer: Because this watch can be water-resistant up to 1.000 feet or 300 meters.
Ask: Why "water-resistant up to 1.000 feet 0r 300 meters" was important for you?
Answer: Because it shows that this is a very good quality watch.
Ask: Why "a very good quality watch" was important for you?
Answer: Because stuff quality which someone use shows his self-quality.
Ask: Why "a good self-quality" was important for you?
Answer: Because a good self-quality shows someone's level in social life.
Ask: Why "someone's level in social life" was important for you?
Answer: Because by a good level in social life, we will be valued, respected, and get recognition from people.
Evidently, the matter of Rolex watch wasn't as simple as knowing time.
Rolex watch was mean value which use to get end value such as valued feeling, respected feeling, or recognized feeling.
At the next post, I will draw a diagram to explain about the connection between belief and value, and also the connection of mean value and end value.