Ebook: 4 Symphonies of Stress
Author: Raymond Chua
- Symphony #1 – The Soundless Killer
- Symphony #2 - The 7 Culprits
- Symphony #3 - Ask The General to Retreat and Relax
- Symphony #4 - Simple Actions to Get You Smiling Again
- About White Dove Books
Symphony #1 – The Soundless Killer
Have you noticed how much the world has changed in the past 150 years? Humans used to travel from one place to another on their feet. There were no cars, motorcycles, buses, no - nothing! We were still using the same method, used for thousands of years before, carrying water from rivers in buckets and pails. In fact, people relied completely on the strength of their limbs and some animals to do most of the work.
In recent years, the rate of change has become almost shocking. A middle-aged person, now living, would have seen all kinds of amazing technological advances within their lifetime; including telegram, car, black and white television, stereo system, ipod etc – and is probably now able to watch everything that’s going on in the world on a plasma television from the comfort of their home.
We don’t like change – and, in fact, humans tend to find change to be most stressful. In this fast changing world, it is perfectly alright to admit to being stressed. There are many different methods to overcome stress and different people handle it differently.
What works for you may not work for others. Understanding stress and knowing how to control or even eliminate it is the key to freedom in
your life.
Why is it that some people can handle stress so effectively no matter what comes their way while some others throw themselves into the sea of depression just because of a tiny thing such as a little change in their routine or because of their assumption of what other people may think of them.
Can it be like some people find pasta is an excellent food while others feel yucky about it? I believe that you have heard of the expression "the straw that broke the camel’s back". Many people don’t know much about that; probably because they have never
owned a camel (lol).
Well, every camel has a limit as to the weight which it can carry. If a camel has carried the maximum weight, an extra tiny weight of a feather can break its back … literally.
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