Ebook: 101 Mini Motivator Tips
The e-book you are about to read is packed full of helpful tips and techniques that are designed to give you the boost you need! There are 101 tips listed in the following pages, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself coming up with other creative ideas just by skimming through them. There are many more ways to motivate yourself than I could possibly list in a book, but those listed should be enough to get your creative juices flowing and get some great motivation building.
Some of the tips are deceptively simple, but can be very effective indeed. Please keep in mind that they may vary in their effectiveness depending upon your mood and your current state of mind. These factors can fluctuate widely from day to day, so a tip that worked for you yesterday may not be as effective today.
Therefore, be willing to try something new if you’re feeling uninspired by some of the suggestions. If you try a tip and it doesn’t work, try another, or perhaps alter one of the tips to better suit your needs.
Most importantly, remember that “motivation” is simply something that causes the desire to act. While positive motivators are usually more pleasant, don’t be surprised to discover that I’ve included one or two “negative” motivators in this book. What makes them negative or positive, however, is the context in which they are used. Though they may seem negative at first glance, they are for a positive result, so be willing to keep an open mind about them if you think they might work for you.
There are many reasons why we become unmotivated, and I touch on many of them throughout the pages of this book. Your reasons may be in alignment with these, or they may be completely different.
When it comes right down to it, the reasons for your lack of motivation aren’t as important as your decision to take control of it and move forward again. If this book can help you accomplish that, then our time together has been well-spent.
Here’s wishing you all the motivation you desire, and a hefty dose of inspiration for variety.
Tip #1 - Drink a glass of cold water.
Dehydration can result in fatigue and mental fogginess, which sure doesn’t help your motivation. Before doing intensive mental or physical work, try drinking a glass of ice cold water and watch how it refreshes you. Also be sure to keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day. One glass of water won’t be enough for a body that is more than mildly dehydrated.
Tip #2 - Meditate.
Scattered thoughts can make any task seem more confusing or burdensome. Before beginning work on your objective, take 15 minutes to sit quietly and focus on nothing. Keep your mind as blank as possible and attune to the stillness within you. You may have to gently pull back your focus when it begins to wander, but avoid becoming frustrated about it. Simply keep readjusting your focus and stay calm, and you should feel centered and refreshed in just a few minutes.
Tip #3 - Create a worry box.
Nothing is more aggravating than trying to work productively and being nagged to death by worries! Instead of letting your worries take over your mind, create a worry box to keep them in. You can use any kind of box, from an empty shoe box to a decorative wooden or glass box. Write all of your current worries on a sheet of paper (or you can use a fresh sheet for each worry). When you can’t think of any other worries, put the sheet(s) of paper into the box, close it and store it away on a high shelf nearby. If worries begin to nag at you again while you’re trying to stay focused, glance at your worry box and remind yourself that you don’t have to worry about anything right now because you’ve placed your worries in that box. Affirm that you can pick up your worries again later if you really want to.
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