Ebook: Inside The Minds of Winners
Author: Charles Burke
- The Special People in This Book
- Chapter 1: Charles Burke - The Luckiest People Just Don't Believe in It
- Chapter 2: Malcolm Harvey - Life has Its Ups and Downs
- Chapter 3: Mary Martin Niepold - Seeing What's Already There
- Chapter 4: Joan Marie Whelan - Anywhere Else but Here
- Chapter 5: Anita Bergen - Change Your Attitude, Change Your Luck
- Chapter 6: Sami Laitinen - Transforming Your Life from Dreams into Reality
- Chapter 7: Joe Vitale - The Magic Escalator through Life
- Chapter 8: Yanik Silver - Who's Too Young?
- Chapter 9: Don McAvinchey - America's Spiritual Coach
- Chapter 10: Rick Beneteau - Opportunities May Come Gift, Wrapped in Tragedy
- Chapter 11: Clay Cotton - It's All Inside
- Chapter 12: Robert Sheinfeld - The Invisible Path to Success
- Chapter 13: Stacey Hall & Jan Brogniez - Fire 80% of Your Customers for More Success
- Chapter 14: John Harricharan - A Joyous and Winding Road
- Chapter 15: Linda Clemons - Do a Check Up from the Neck Up
- Keeping This Book Up-to-date
- Links Mentioned in the Interviews
- Command More Luck - 2 Chapter Excerpt
A year earlier, I had written a book titled Command More Luck (see excerpt at the end of this eBook), but didn't feel it was "complete" somehow. So I was casting around for ideas to help me round out the project and begin selling it properly.
I don't usually enjoy seminars, and I mostly try to avoid them. I had just read John's book Power Pause, however, and had spent two or three days walking around the house mumbling " I wish I'd said that". Then, I heard he was promoting a seminar in my old home town, Atlanta, and something in me knew I needed to attend this one.
I did attend, and things began changing. On the first day, during one of the breaks between speakers, I turned to Yanik Silver, whose book Instant Internet Profits had been a great help in understanding how to plan website sales flow. After introductions, I totally surprised myself by asking if he would consider contributing a section to my book. I am enormously indebted to Yanik for his gracious agreement. If he had shot me down, this book might have died right there.
Over the next three days, I approached several others about the project, and in every single case was greeted with enthusiasm and acceptance.
So I dedicate this book to my fifteen new and very special friends, with the understanding that this book is really theirs.
And to John and Yanik, I owe you special thanks for your roles in supporting my very first tentative steps in launching this project.
Charles Burke
Shirama, Japan
September 15, 2001
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