Ebook: Discover Your Life Purpose
- Life Purpose vs Living Purposefully
- How Do You Find Your Purpose?
- I Still Don't Know What My Purpose Is!
- How to Live Your Purpose
- Your Purpose Isn't Just About YOU
- It's Not All Up To You
- Possible Challenges You'll Face
- Surrendering to The Journey
- About White Dove Books
What Is A Life Purpose?
People like this are certainly living a purpose, but you may be surprised to learn that a life purpose doesn’t have to be so magnanimous either. In fact, throughout the pages of this e-book, I’m going to demonstrate that purposeful living can take virtually limitless forms – most of which you’ve probably never considered before.
The dictionary defines purpose as:
1) an object or result aimed at : INTENTION
What does this tell us? A “purpose” can be as simple as an intention or a resolution. So, a “life purpose” is really nothing more than a commitment or resolve to live in a certain way and achieve specific objectives. If that sounds a bit confusing, don’t worry. We’re going to clear it up in a hurry.
For now, just know that you DON’T have to have a deep inner “calling” in order to have a life purpose. You don’t have to give away your worldly possessions and become a missionary in order to make a positive difference in the world.
In fact, you may be surprised to discover that realizing and living your life purpose will be a comfortable and enjoyable process. Bit by bit, you’ll create life circumstances that are totally suited to who you are, your likes and dislikes, natural talents, and much more.
It’s the kind of inner journey that changes everything – from emptiness to satisfaction, from boredom to passion, from aimlessness to unbridled joy and beyond!
Do you have trouble believing that’s possible for you? Do you see your current circumstances as brick walls that you can’t break through? Do you worry that you’re stuck forever exactly where you are?
To continue reading, you can download "Discover Your Life Purpose" ebook here. Don't pay anything, because it's completely free.
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